Friday, March 18, 2011

Green Beer, Overseas Calls and Another Book

Last night while I was drinking my green beer for St. Patrick's Day, friends surrounding me and having a good time, I finally got the phone call I have been waiting since learning that my boyfriend had made it to Afghanistan. I constantly have my phone on me at all times, waiting to see his number from either here, in pa, or his new number he has for overseas. It was to my surprise, to see a number that was only 6 digits long call me. I picked it up, and heard my favorite voice :) We talked for a good fifteen minutes, with me filling him in on what he is missing back home, and him telling me about the new land he has seen in the past few days. I asked him whether or not he will be in any serious danger while he is there. I thought he would lie and tell me "no", and that he will be fine for the next 7 months, but my boyfriend being the straight forward guy, told me, "yeah, I'll be in danger sometimes". My heart sank, but I know that he is a strong and smart guy that will whether the storm he will face in the months to come.

We got to talking some more, and I had to stop conversation and remind him that today is not only St. Patrick's Day, but, that one year ago to the day, we had our first kiss :) We talked a little bit more on when I can start sending him care packages and when he will start writing me letters, and then he said he had to go and call his mom and dad. I miss him terribly.

After reading the book I mentioned earlier, I have moved onto the second of the three I have purchased. This new one is called "The Long Road Home". This book is different that the previous read, in that in follows not only the soldiers, but the wives and family of them as well. In this book, the soldiers are faced with an ambush in Sadr City, where many were injured or KIA (killed in action). I have about 100 pages left of this 300 some page book. I am proud to say I have only teared up twice in it. So far, I am up to the point where 4 U.S. soldiers have died, one with expecting his first son back home :( I keep on having to remind myself though, that this book is depicting real life stories, and that it isn't made up. It is sad to read, but something that I feel the need to understand more of what my boyfriend will be facing. I will fill you in on the ending when I am done.


  1. This new blog of yours is WONDERFUL. So cute. I love the background/pictures/personal stories you're doing.

  2. Thank you guys! :) It's fun to post this kind of stuff. It is like my diary, but better haha.
